Ozone Therapy

What Is Ozone Therapy?

O3 Apothecary will provide systemic and localized methods of suffusing ozone safely into our bodies.

For a fully systemic method of receiving ozone, we will usually recommend Hyperthermia, which is a steam/wet heat sauna treatment. Relaxing in this heated sauna provides the least invasive means of receiving large quantities of ozone while simultaneously providing a means for the removal of toxins through the pores. During the treatment, the body receives numerous benefits from the ozone as it works to detox at the cellular level while stimulating the immune system. As an unstable molecule, ozone seeks to balance itself with other materials that share a corresponding unbalanced charge such as viruses, diseased cells, harmful bacteria, and other pathogens. Ozone oxidizes the unbalanced materials, and the body is able to either sweat it out or process it naturally through the liver. For the first 1-7 minutes of the 30-minute session, carbonic acid is used to open the client’s pores, allowing for better absorption of ozone through the skin. The end result is increased energy, improved detoxification, and increased mitochondrial function.

Ear and nose insufflations are localized ozone concentrations for all areas surrounding the head and neck. Vaginal and intestinal insufflations will serve our core areas, where many of our organs will be directly impacted. Insufflation basically means the ozone gas is being administered directly into a body cavity. Most insufflation offerings are convenient and quick to administer.

Major Autohemotherapy (MAH) will soon be provided for IV ozone treatments.

Origins of Ozone Therapy

Ozone, or O3, is a natural gaseous molecule that is made up of three oxygen atoms, as opposed to a normal oxygen molecule which contains two. “Ozone” comes from the Greek word “ozein” meaning odor, and was first used by a German chemist, Christian Friedrich Schönbein in 1840. He was later considered the “Father of Ozone.”  You can learn more in the book “The Story of Ozone” by Dr. Saul Pressman.

Ozone is found in the upper atmosphere, and while protecting our atmosphere from harmful sun rays, it also functions as earth’s cleansing agent. It combines with air pollutants and purifies the air, hence revealing its purpose in the medical and dental fields.

Wellness Benefits

Assists with detoxification.

Improves circulation.

Supports cellular health and mitochondrial function.

Increases cellular health and function.

Enhances immune capacity.

Increases body’s oxygen-absorption.

Reduces stress levels.

Reduces inflammation.

Burns 400-600 calories per sauna session.

Ozone is a powerful antiseptic and kills pathogens (such as bacteria, viruses and parasites) on contact.

Session Details

* Length of Session: 30 minutes
* Description: You will sit in the sauna with your head outside of the machine for the entire session. Towels will then be wrapped around your neck to prevent the ozone from leaking out and to avoid direct inhalation. A fan will be placed in front of you to help circulate the air around you and keep you cool.
* Average Temperature: Between 100-122°F. It is recommended to sweat during your session.
* Clothing: It is required that you are nude for this treatment. You will need to remove all metal jewelry from your body.
* Music Options: You can use your own listening device with headphones; otherwise, we have an Alexa device and a TV available to watch your favorite show and keep you occupied.

Tips for the Participant

* Drink at least 4-6 ounces of water immediately prior to your session.
* Take off all metal jewelry and watches.
* Drink half of your body weight (in ounces) in the two days after your session.
* It is normal to see dark spots on the towel after your session as a result of the toxins being expelled from your body.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often should I use Ozone Therapy?
A: The frequency will depend upon your own individual health and wellness goals. We recommend at least 2-3 times a week for your first 10 sessions. For more aggressive results, 4-5 times per week is recommended.

Q: What happens if I breathe the ozone?
A: Although ozone is not harmful, it will irritate the lungs and cause you to cough.

Q: Will someone be with me throughout the session?
A: We will be around to come over when you are situated in the sauna in order to start your session and help get your towel situated around your neck. We invite you to sit back and enjoy the heat. We’ll be an earshot away so just call if you need anything, and if you get claustrophobic just open the door or call us for help. When your session is complete, the timer will go off and we will come turn off the ozone so you can get out.

Q: How will I feel afterwards?
A: It depends on how well hydrated you are and what your current health challenges are. Low levels of ozone with just enough heat to have you sweating can be energizing. High levels of ozone and high heat can be taxing on the body, especially if you aren’t well hydrated.


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