Category: Services

o3 apothecary foot bath wellness solution mckinney texas

Foot Bath

The OPTIMUM Ionic Footbath™ creates an ionization osmosis environment running negative oxygen ions through your body pulling & attracting the positively charged impurities and heavy metals, etc. out through the feet in to the saline charged solution in the bath.  The energized ionized water runs through your body bringing the body’s chi & meridians back in to balance where one might feel energized & relaxed. Impurities are pulled from the body, improving the body’s natural resilience. There is a noticeable

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Insufflation Therapy

Nasal Insufflation Ozone is introduced into the sinuses through the nostrils. Many people report immediate relief from nasal and sinus symptoms, such as congestion and sinus pain, associated with allergies, sinus infections, and the common cold. Learn more about Ozone Therapy in our help documentation and research treatment options utilizing our Treatment Menu. Ear (Auricular) Insufflation Ozone is introduced to the ear canal and enters the lymphatic and blood system through a modified stethoscope. Many people report immediate relief from nasal and sinus

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Ozone Therapy

What Is Ozone Therapy? O3 Apothecary will provide systemic and localized methods of suffusing ozone safely into our bodies. For a fully systemic method of receiving ozone, we will usually recommend Hyperthermia, which is a steam/wet heat sauna treatment. Relaxing in this heated sauna provides the least invasive means of receiving large quantities of ozone while simultaneously providing a means for the removal of toxins through the pores. During the treatment, the body receives numerous benefits from the ozone as it works

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Infrared Therapy

What Is Infrared Sauna Therapy? An infrared sauna differs from a traditional sauna in the way that it generates heat, as well as with the increased benefits that it provides to the user’s body. Infrared saunas generate heat through infrared light, which is an invisible part of the sun’s spectrum with the ability to penetrate human tissue. This means the infrared actually permeates deep into your joints, muscles and tissues, speeding up oxygen flow and increasing circulation, thus producing a

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